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Family as Faith Forming Space

Saturday, 28 December 2019 04:28
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December 29
1st Sunday after Christmas

Family Sunday

Family as Faith Forming Space

Old Testament         Genesis 27: 11- 29
Psalm                     127
Epistle                    1 John 2: 7- 17
Gospel                    Matt. 12: 46 – 50

Verse for Meditation:Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. (Psalms 127: 1).

God is the lord of every family (Eph. 3: 14) and so each family should be built by God himself. That is why the Psalmist sings that ‘unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain’. The family is an important component of the society. Nowadays nuclear family system is more rampant in Kerala. Joint families are sparse. The Hebrew family consists of the head of the family, his wife, mother, father, children with their family, and servants. The Hebrew word Bayith (home) is closely associated with the word family. This word has been roughly translated as house (1 Chronicles 13: 14), family (Psalm 68: 6), home (2 Chronicles 35: 5, 12). In Christian spirituality family holds a lot of significance. Joshua’s words “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” is relevant. The Church in itself is a family- a family of many families. Family is a space for faith formation. It is here that generations get to know God, learn to pray and get familiarized with worship.

1. Family’s Blessing(Genesis 27: 11 – 29)
Isaac desires to bless Esau. But Rebekah advises Jacob to grab that blessing. Jews believed that the blessings of the father will be a blessing to the children. Families should become a space of blessings. It is not just Jacob but eventually Isaac encourages Esau also. Isaac blesses Esau thus, “Your dwelling will be away from the earth’s richness, away from the dew of heaven above. You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck.” (Genesis 27: 39, 40). Jacob also became blessed. It was a predestination of God (Romans 9: 10 – 14). Families are spaces of God’s blessings.

2. Guideline for Family (1 John 2: 7 – 17)
Families should be God-centered. They should live in relation to God’s love and not earthly love. 1 John 2: 7 – 17 records how brothers, fathers and children should have the love of God. We can see this as a guideline for families. Those who love one another lives in the light (1 John 2: 10). Faith formation happens when families get prepared to walk in light instead of darkness.

3. Model for the Big Family (Matt. 12: 46- 50)
A family that lives in faith is a model for many other families. It will nurture many others in the church too. When Jesus’ mother and brothers, desiring to talk to Jesus, waited outside, someone informed Jesus. But pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Matt. 12: 49, 50). This is the indication of a huge family. Those who listen to the words of Jesus and do the will of God become the member of a huge family. This is a spiritual family that is formed beyond the blood and body. This is the Church of Christ.
